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Physics: Thermodynamics 2.5
Prometheus Lab
Physics: Thermodynamics is an app based onthermodynamics, designed for students or physics lovers.Main features:Lessons4 chapters concerning thermodynamics, with formulas accuratelydescribed including:• Heat and temperature• Temperature scales• Zeroth law of thermodynamics• Thermodynamic systems• Heat transfer• Thermodynamic work• First law of thermodynamics• Thermodinamic processes: isochoric process, isentropicprocess...• Kinetic theory of gases• Internal energy of gases• Ideal gases• Ideal gas law• Boyle's law, Gay - Lussac's law and Charles's law• Work done by ideal gases in isothermal processes; at constantvolume or pressure• Isentropic relations• Entropy• Second law of thermodynamics• Kelvin statement, Clausius statement, Carnot's theorem• Third law of thermodynamics• Carnot cycle• Heat engines• Efficiency of real and ideal heat engines• Refrigerator• Efficiency of real and ideal refrigeratorCalculatorPerform more than 140 calculations using thermodinamics formulasdivided into 33 sections simply leaving empty the field you want tocalculate like:• Thermal energy• Thermal capacity• Conduction• Thermal resistance• Radiation• Thermal linear expansion• Thermal volume expansion• Work done by gases• Work done by ideal gases• Internal energy of gases• Internal energy of ideal gases• Translational kinetic energy• Maxwell speed distribution• Root-mean-square speed• Molar mass• Number of moles• Mean free path• Ideal gas law• Boyle's law• Gay-Lussac's law• Charles's law• Isentropic relations• Change in entropy• Enthalpy• Efficiency of real heat engines• Efficiency of real refrigerator• Efficiency in Carnot cycle• Carnot refrigerator efficiency•Physical constants••Material Design••Available in English and Italian•
Physics: Thermodynamics PLUS 2.5
Prometheus Lab
Physics: Thermodynamics PLUS is an app basedon thermodynamics, designed for students or physics lovers.Main features:Lessons4 chapters concerning thermodynamics, with formulas accuratelydescribed including:• Heat and temperature• Temperature scales• Zeroth law of thermodynamics• Thermodynamic systems• Heat transfer• Thermodynamic work• First law of thermodynamics• Thermodinamic processes: isochoric process, isentropicprocess...• Kinetic theory of gases• Internal energy of gases• Ideal gases• Ideal gas law• Boyle's law, Gay - Lussac's law and Charles's law• Work done by ideal gases in isothermal processes; at constantvolume or pressure• Isentropic relations• Entropy• Second law of thermodynamics• Kelvin statement, Clausius statement, Carnot's theorem• Third law of thermodynamics• Carnot cycle• Heat engines• Efficiency of real and ideal heat engines• Refrigerator• Efficiency of real and ideal refrigeratorCalculatorPerform more than 140 calculations using thermodinamics formulasdivided into 33 sections simply leaving empty the field you want tocalculate like:• Thermal energy• Thermal capacity• Conduction• Thermal resistance• Radiation• Thermal linear expansion• Thermal volume expansion• Work done by gases• Work done by ideal gases• Internal energy of gases• Internal energy of ideal gases• Translational kinetic energy• Maxwell speed distribution• Root-mean-square speed• Molar mass• Number of moles• Mean free path• Ideal gas law• Boyle's law• Gay-Lussac's law• Charles's law• Isentropic relations• Change in entropy• Enthalpy• Efficiency of real heat engines• Efficiency of real refrigerator• Efficiency in Carnot cycle• Carnot refrigerator efficiency•Physical constants••Material Design••Available in English and Italian••No ads•
Physics Thermodynamics + 4.0
Prometheus Lab
• Thermodynamics for everyone! •